Term Time Groups At Cardinham Woods

Badger Cubs

Badger Cubs is a parent toddler forest school and outdoor learning session. It is designed for children up to 5 years old and their families. Come and join us for some fun in the woods, what better way to start the week! These sessions are very child led and focus on free-play, exploring nature, meeting new friends and learning to play together through a variety of games and activities. Each week there will be a cosy campfire with some campfire treats and hot drinks, singing and stories around the campfire, outdoor play and seasonal crafts, mud kitchen, sensory play and Makaton signing.


Mamas In Nature

A support group for mothers and their new babies.

This group welcomes all parents and carers but is specifically aimed at women to help support them through the transition into parenthood. Claire our Founder and Director established this group around the same time she had her own daughter and was struggling herself. 

Little Explorers

These are family forest school and outdoor learning sessions designed for those families who wish to attend sessions with their children. They are best suited to younger children (0-10 years), home educating families and flexi schooling families. These are run by the wonderful Steph Attwood who has been supporting and working with Badger Forest school since the beginning! They provide a wonderful opportunity for children to mix with and learn from children of a variety of ages. These sessions are very child-led and focus on free-play, exploring nature and developing relationships with friends whilst having the opportunity to engage in a variety of woodland games and activities. 

Each week there is a cosy campfire with some delicious homemade campfire treats and hot drinks, singing, Makaton signing and stories around the campfire, outdoor play and seasonal crafts, mud kitchen and  sensory play.

Home Ed Drop Off

This is our forest school and outdoor learning group aimed at home-educated children aged 5yrs+. 

These drop-off sessions focus on providing hands-on learning opportunities through exploration of a termly topic as suggested and chosen by the children attending. Example topics over previous terms have been: storytelling, pirates, ancient civilisations, historical events, uses of woodland, weather and survival skills. The sessions allow time for group discussion, free-play, exploring nature, and of course working on woodland skills such as knot tying, whittling, firelighting, den building, etc.  Each session includes a campfire snack which ties in with the week's learning. We ask that families commit to the blocks of sessions each term so the children can establish and develop relationships with each other. 

Term Time Groups At Higher Wheal Martyn

Mamas In Nature

This group welcomes all parents and carers but is specifically aimed at women to help support them through the transition into parenthood. Claire our Founder and Director established this group around the same time she had her own daughter and was struggling herself. We are passionate about supporting women and their young children in the early stages of life and we want to share with you the huge benefits that nature has on our health and wellbeing. Bringing together a group in a safe, supportive space can bring everyone positivity, connection and joy. Each week there will be a cosy campfire with some campfire treats and hot drinks, singing, Makaton signing and stories around the campfire, outdoor play and seasonal crafts, mud kitchen, sensory play, mindfulness and grounding exercises for mums/carers and babies/ young children. The sessions offer parents and children time to choose what they are interested in, free play and some group activities and games.

Weekends And Holidays

Dangerous Dads

We are excited to be part of this growing CIC for Fathers and Male Carers with children of all ages. We offer fun monthly sessions all year round. The cost per child is only £8 with siblings under 1 years free.

Bring suitable clothing and footwear, and additional snacks and drinks as required, we have some clothing available if you don’t have any.

For Higher Wheal Martyn Sessions, meet in the lower car park (right just after the entrance) at Wheal Martyn Clay Museum to walk up to the site together. Please share with Dangerous and not so Dangerous Dads!

Note: These sessions are once a month and are at either Cardinham or Higher Wheal Martyn so please check carefully before booking.

Badger Holiday Club At Cardinham Woods

Give your children a different experience and drop them off for a whole day of exploration and adventures in the woods where they will take part in a variety of activities including bushcraft, survival skills, fire lighting, team games, nature crafts, tool use, rope swings, map reading, river play and much more! A substantial campfire brunch or snack (vegetarian) is included. They will be supported by a minimum of two experienced forest school leaders and have fun enjoying the beautiful site. Warning! Your child is very likely to get wet and muddy so please bring a spare change of clothes.

Birthday Parties

Are you looking for something original and outdoors for your child? Are you looking for a party where everyone gets their needs met and nobody is left out? We are here to help! All you need to do is bring your tribe of party goers to the woods with a bit of food and we do the rest!


We run bespoke birthday parties in woods for your child’s special day. Each party is unique and designed around the child. We offer a range of our most popular themes including Fun Forest School, Survival skills, Kernow Pirates and Fairies and Elves but we pride ourselves in being able to link almost anything your child is interested in. We follow the forest school ethos with our parties by being very child led and offer a range of activities to suit the needs of the group. Some of the most popular activities include den building, learning to light a mini fire (and toasting marshmallows of course), nature crafting and woodland games. We always have our mud kitchen, hammocks and nature crafting activities available.

We invite you keep it simple for food and bring along some pre-cooked sausages that the children can the ‘cook’ on a stick, some hot dog buns and ketchup and of course a birthday cake! We provide hot chocolate or a drink of your choice and marshmallows for everyone. We ask that under 8yrs old the adults stay and play too but if the children are over 8yrs we just need a couple of adults to stay and support.


Please email info@badgerforestschool.co.uk and ask Rosie to send you the party information with your preferred site (Cardinham or Higher Wheal Martyn) and any dates you would like. Our parties usually run from 10-12 or 1-3 but we can be flexible so please ask.


Cost: £20.00 for a maximum of 15 children (recommended size) or £250 for up to 30 children.

Volunteering in nature cornwall


Our site takes a lot of upkeep and there is a lot to learn from maintaining ancient walls, to growing our own food.

Everyone is welcome to enjoy this experience , especially those who attend our sessions.